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Joint Project Manager, Regional Grocery DC

Size: 630 000 sq ft

Project length: 8 months

Employees: over 600

Fleet: over 100 driving units

24/7 operations

Site included Recycling Unit and on-site Vehicle Maintenance Unit



  • New build of Europe’s greenest warehouse  

  • Environmentally-conscious project management approach            

  • Uncompromising focus on engagement & culture

  • Need to recruit and train colleagues off-site

  • Site to be operational 3 days after practical completion (“Rapid Deployment Plan”)

  • Rapid ramp up to support rest of network during peak

Image by Dylan Gillis


  • Refined all elements of design to suit successful operations

  • Developed long-term environmental & engagement plans

  • Totally reviewed and challenged all operational processes within the supply chain

  • Off-site training plan, by role, by individual, by date & by venue

  • Established two groups of champions: 

       1) process & system for training

       2) issue resolution               

  • Shadow team for additional operational support         

  • Readiness assessment of all elements of project ahead of RDP

  • Personal control of RDP (300+ resources involved with systems, supplies, services, cleaning and health & safety)

Image by Elevate


  • Once operational, regarded as flagship DC by both client and 3PL provider

  • Site became role model for culture, engagement and comms

  • Ramped up ahead of plan and supported a struggling DC just 2 weeks after outbound go live

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