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Programme Manager, Automated Design & Build – Educational Resources NDC

Size: 200 000 sq ft

20 000 SKUs residing at 5 operations

Affected 100s of employees

120 000 ASRS locations

100 accessions per hour per crane

Image by chuttersnap


  • Design and specification of physical warehouse, condensing five existing operations into one “super logistics hub”

  • Identification of appropriate land for development

  • Tender process for automation and other key packages, resulting in adoption of mini-load crane Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS)

  • Design of new Head Office (c200 people), implementing requisite culture and professionalism to physical surroundings

  • Aggressive migration plan, to be aligned with concurrent ERP deployment programme

warehouse management system. Conveyer wi


  • Lean team established to consider best practice in logistics and operations

  • Partnership with tenant agents and consultants to develop solutions and specifications

  • Verified ASRS credentials through reference site visits and solution walkthroughs

  • Engaged interior designers to identify principles of required space planning for offices

  • Managed project governance, ensuring alignment between build, fit out, systems & processes

  • Managed project finance, reconciling with business case

Image by Chris Liverani


  • Despite some challenging data, suitable, flexible solution developed and refined

  • Solid partnerships established within the business and supply chain

  • Controlled closure of existing sites, through open communications and clear go/no go strategy

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